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Be an EXPERT by learning from an EXPERT

About Your Teacher

Dr. David Orman is the developer of Doc Wellness Supplement™, the country’s finest herbal anti aging formula. He is a Wellness Entrepreneur, Alternative Medicine Expert and Educator. Aside from being a formula creator, he is also a Speaker, Health Coach and Writer.


Dr. Orman is also known as “Doc Wellness” from his very popular alternative medicine blog, and other social networks such as 18,000 followers on Twitter alone.


David has lectured to Congress, taught at major colleges and universities and has been featured in the"The Washingtonian  Magazine.


In his personal life, David teaches martial arts, runs marathons and is learning the Japanese language.



Why This is For You



Despite all of the changes, health care costs continue to rise. Quality of care does not What can be done?


Answer: Become an Expert; that is, learn to treat and care for yourself. Master the art of prevention and learn how to make corrects when needed, so major issues can be avoided.


You can do this and more in Dr. Orman's Wellness School.


There is NO other place on the Internet where so much valuable information is presented in an easy to use format. This is not "book" information or techniques that get passed from blog to blog.


Your information is based on the 1000s of patients that Dr. Orman has seen and the vast wealth of experience and knowledge he has accumulated over the years.

Now. . . this information is yours!

Lose Weight. Increase Energy. Learn What Exercise is and is not Good For You.


These are just some of the things you will learn.


Have a question? David will address your issue in a personal video clip. Nothing is better than personalized information.

This also is yours!


Sample Lessons from the School//

How To Find Your Purpose

Learning about life, experiencing the unusual and using ancient methods to produce remarkable results in your life are also part of wellness. And a part of this school.

How to Improve Your Hearing.


Learn these powerful, but little-known methods to improve your hearing. Also, what herbs will help and have the side-benefits of improving your skeletal system and libido.

What "Type" Am I

One size fits all fits NO one. You experienced that already. Learn the basic types, which you are and how you can use this information to guide you to a lean, fit, healthy physique and passion for life.

Video //

Joint Replacement

Intro Clip


Here is more information to help you make the right decision and join. Enjoy!

Dr. Orman's

Wellness School

Copyright 2016. DMI


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